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Answers to frequently asked questions about XPace.


XPace has been around since 2005, when it was a pure Windows application, replacing its predecessor software Sirius. Since 2007 (since version 3.0) XPace is available for Windows and Mac OS X.

XPace is…

  • … a multi-platform solution that can be used on multiple operating systems
  • … for both simple and complex 3D geometries and data structures
  • … with support for all relevant interfaces and formats
  • … with standard solutions plus extensive expansion options
  • … with easy operation in the simple case, but with all design freedom
  • … and integration in business processes

System and Environment

XPace runs on all current Windows systems and Mac OS X; on Windows in 32-bit and 64-bit environments, on the Mac as 64-bit version.

XPace requires at least Windows XP or an Intel-based Mac and a Java runtime environment from 1.6 upwards.

The exact system requirements can be found here: XPace 3.2 system requirements.

XPace licenses are either workstation licenses or floating licenses.

Workstation licenses are bound to the workstation or PC on which XPace is installed.

The floating license model distributes licenses from a license server. XPace can be installed on any number of workstations. When the program is started, a license is used, if available. At the end of the program, the license is returned to the server-side license pool.

None. XPace does not require any database system to be installed. The XPace database uses XML as the data format; no special installations, libraries or drivers are required.

XPace can import data from and export it to any database. XPace uses the usual ODBC and JDBC database interfaces. After the import, the database source is no longer required. The import of data from databases is optional, data can also be imported from other sources (CSV text files, Excel).

The (optional) Enterprise Server can be based on SQL databases. The default configuration of the Enterprise Server uses MySQL.

XPace supports standards and open formats for all data interfaces:

  • for the connection to existing database systems, merchandise management systems and ERP systems and the transfer of product and product carrier data: Excel, CSV text files, XML, ODBC and JDBC database drivers
  • for 3D geometries of products and product carriers: XML, X3D, OBJ and VRML/WRL
  • for all objects of the data basis: XML
  • for imports, exports, and reports: XML, XSLT, XSL-FO, HTML, PDF, and Excel
  • for scripts: JavaScript and other standard script languages
  • for images: JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and BMP

Images and 3D models

For 3D product and fixel representations, XPace supports these formats:

  • OBJ (Wavefront OBJ)
  • VRML and WRL

Many 3D modelling tools can create and export these formats, e.g. Blender, Cinema4D and many CAD systems.

XPace models and planograms can be exported in

  • OBJ
  • X3D
  • Collada


XPace supports images in the formats

  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • TIFF
  • BMP

Certain format variants should be avoided: XPace does not support CMYK JPEGs.

Reporting and Exports

XPace can generate reports in HTML, PDF and Excel formats. XPace exports data in XML and CSV formats as well as UN/Edifact formats. XPace enables feeding info terminals and mobile apps provided by retailers.



XPace Scripting Javascript Planogram

Many processing steps and operations in planogramming are repeated regularly. It makes sense to combine standardized processes into macros and automate them by scripting.

With the XPace Scripting module, processes and standard operations can be automated in XPace: Special tasks, workflows and functions in planograms, products and components as well as configurations can be implemented with scripts and made available at the push of a button.
Continue reading “Automation”

Space Management

XPace is a space management system for retailers and their suppliers, especially in the non-food, media, DIY and healthcare sectors. We have developed XPace to make space management strategies attractive even for complex POS designs.

Continue reading “Space Management”


Die XPace-Story: Wie der Ball ins Rollen kam

The principle of space management was invented and first used about 25 years ago as part of category management in the food segment of the retail trade. The first programs were accordingly tailored to the needs of food assortments.

Our idea started here: Space Management should also be available for other market segments – Non-Food, DIY, media, toys, healthcare. These segments would also benefit from optimized planning, evaluation and documentation of shelf loading.
Continue reading “Story”



Successful implementation of space management in your company means installing XPace shelf planning software on your own PCs and providing the data for products and fixtures. Data from external systems and sources is reused via interfaces. The implementation may be carried out on local and mobile computers as well as been controlled by a central server.

Continue reading “Implementation”


In a planogramming project, certain steps are taken to create a qualified shelf plan that best meets the objectives of the project. XPace follows the 4Q strategy with four questions: What – How much – Where – Why and implements the planogramming functions in its methodology.

Continue reading “Methods”


Motivation More Space

Space Management aims to provide the right products in the right quantity at the right place on a limited sales area. The motivation behind: A shelf allocation at the point-of-sale only works well if it is very well planned and justified and revised regularly.

Continue reading “Motivation”